How to Get Equal Amounts of Batter In Cake Pans With Toothpick
A weighing scale is the best way to measure perfectly equal batter in
two cake pans. But if you want an easier way to be approximately equal,
use a toothpick, says dessert chef Alice Medrich.
Picture: Southern Foodways Alliance/Flickr
First, you pour batter into both pans and eyeball a similar amount.
Then, dip toothpicks in both and hold the two picks against each other
to see if one pan has more batter. Just spoon batter from the fuller pan
to the other.
There are plenty of reasons you’d want equal pans, whether you’re
baking both at the same time in an oven or creating a layered cake.
Medrich also has a tip for those who prefer to use scales: switch to
metric units. Read the full post for more information.
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