Bluecup,Your Coffee with Nespresso Machine-Kickstarter
A sustainable and best priced alternative for disposable capsules.
Make your own & have your favorite cup out of your Nespresso machine
A nice cup of coffee is something quite personal. If you love coffee
then you agree with us. But at the time you have to pick from a standard
range of expensive capsules for your Nespresso machine, you might
wonder if too many consessions are made on your own cup of coffee. Then
Kickstarter coffee lovers and Nespresso users , Bluecup can be
interesting for you! Because you love coffee, like your Nespresso, but
it has become a bit standard and expensive…
LESS WASTE GREAT TASTE: Imagine the waste in one day of about a 27
Million disposable capsules over the world (our most accurate estimate
of the moment. Please share when more insights have been gained). You
will create your own appropriate Bluecup capsules easily again and again
with the Bluecupcreator. Guaranteed you can reuse Bluecup capsule at
least a 100 times. With Bluecup you get your cup of coffee with less
Ok. Coffee is my drug of choice. Drip, iced, espresso, cappuccino,
day-old whatever. I love my caffeine and I love the taste. And I do
have a Nespresso machine. Now I do not use it all the time. Usually it
is an afternoon or evening event for a quick boost. I think Nestlé has
created a great product with really good coffee and stylish machines.
What I dislike about Nespresso machines are the capsules. They cost
too much and they are not recyclable – so they end up in the garbage. I
would definitely use my Nespresso machine more frequently if the
capsule issue was addressed. Well some guys from Holland may have the
solution. Mike, Lars, Daan and Hans in Amsterdam have created “Bluecup” an
alternative to the pricey Nespresso capsules. You can grind your own
coffee and still use your Nesresso machine. Their reusable cups
apparently will last for a hundred cups. Really an ingenious idea. I
wonder why Nestlé has not done this on their own? It is probably
because they make a ton of cash off of those little capsules. The
project creators estimate 27 million capsules end up in the land fill
each day. So my guess is that Nestlé will wake up and see the error of
their ways but Bluecup will be there first. Crowdfunding on Kickstarter now.